The upcoming brand new set for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game is called Battle of Chaos and releases in February 2022.

They could either be powerful God cards, or new spells or traps that create new combos with already existing cards. : Yu-Gi-Oh, : Battle of God, : 02:00, : 4.84, : 8 kbit/sec, : mp3. Updated Februby Jerrad Wyche: With each new set of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards that releases, there's the potential for new cards to take the scene by storm. So, until someone can get a team of MIT researchers to analyze the purpose of Pot of Greed, here are the most powerful god cards in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.

Yu-Gi-Oh! wouldn’t be anywhere without its plethora of cards, and after a twentieth anniversary, it would be wrong not to talk about the powerful ones. Even if you haven’t been in touch with the franchise since Yugi Mutou was possessed by an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh, you’ve got to admit that remaining relevant enough after twenty years is impressive. Yu-Gi-Oh! celebrated its twentieth anniversary in 2019 – a huge milestone whether you’re a fan of the manga, original Japanese anime, English dub, or the card game.